LUSAKA, 18th December 2024 – In a move to enhance Zambia's status as a leading…

Dr. Japhet Lishomwa calls on AU Member States to work towards creating a continent where migration is a choice, not a necessity
Speaking as in his capacity as chair of the Experts’ Committee of the AU STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs at Official Opening of the benchmarking and capacity building meeting for AU member states and RECs Focal Points on Migration Governance held from 8th to 10th July, 2024 in Cotonou Benin, Dr. Lishomwa called on AU Members States to work towards creating a continent where migration is a choice, not a necessity. “A continent where migrants are treated with dignity and respect, and where their contributions are valued and recognized. A continent where migration is managed safely, orderly, and regularly, and where migration is a catalyst for development and integration” he said. The three-day meeting focused on the 2018 Migration Policy Framework for Africa and the African Common Position on Migration and Development…Click here for the full Speech