Welcome to Zambia Department of Immigration
Director General's Message
The world is experiencing unprecedented growth in global cross-border migration, which offers opportunities and security risks for receiving countries. To counter the security risk which comes with the current migratory trends, the Department of Immigration continues to develop the capabilities to manage the rising tide of complex threats in both the border and internal environments.
The Department has, over the years, strived to improve its border management systems by embracing the use of the latest information communication technologies (ICTs), pushing its operations to a paperless status. This and many other initiatives are helping the Department ensure that most genuine migrants can move effortlessly across the border without unnecessary delay. At the same time, our Immigration Officers continue to focus their attention on undesirable, non-compliant migrants.

About Zambia Immigration Department
The Zambia Department of Immigration aims to effectively and efficiently facilitate and regulate the entry and exit of persons and control the stay of immigrants and visitors in the country in order to contribute to internal security and sustainable socio-economic development.
The Department of Immigration is committed to providing efficient, transparent and professional service.
The Department has its headquarters in Lusaka, the country’s capital city, with regional offices in all the ten provinces of Zambia (see the Contacts page for physical address).
Latest Media Releases
Latest news and Press-Releases by Zambia Department of Immigration.
Zambia Waives Visa Requirements for Nationals of 53 Countries to Boost Tourism
LUSAKA, 18th December 2024 – In a move to enhance Zambia's status as a leading destination for tourism, business, trade,…
Revised Fees for Immigration Services
This serves to notify the general public that the Department of Immigration will with effect from Monday, 19th August, 2024…
Dr. Japhet Lishomwa calls on AU Member States to work towards creating a continent where migration is a choice, not a necessity
Speaking as in his capacity as chair of the Experts’ Committee of the AU STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs…
Immigration and APIC hold successful Consultative Meeting
The Department of Immigration and the Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (APIC) on 13th June, 2024 held a successful Consultative…